Attack the Block is a 2011 British
science fiction comedy-horror film written and directed by
Joe CornishIt is about a teen gang in South London who defend their block from an alien invasion.The group spend the whole nigh trying to fight off and kill the aliens before they start to terrorise the community that they live in.It balances fright with laughter really well and features solid performances from everyone in the cast.The use of gruesome aliens and a great setting that features outstanding action scenes all make it the great film that it is.The target audience for this film would be a 50:50 split of male to females and for those who are living in London or close to London. In terms of camera shots and editing I could see a lot of straight cuts being used , this helped to speed up the pace of the film especially in the fast paced scene where the teenagers had to fight off the aliens. In terms of characters I could see a lot of low angle shots used on the teenage boys which made them appear as powerful and in control towards the audience. This was used especially on the main character Moses who portrayed leadership skills and control throughout the movie.